How to make an amazing drawing

How to make an amazing drawing

First, draw on your paper.

Then take a photo, and use ibis paint x to do the rest.

First, get an extra page to draw on. Then draw on the lines of your photo. And delete the layer that has the drawing on it.

When you have done that, it is ready to color.

After you color, you may want it to have a background. Choose the selection layer now, color it with the bucket 🎨

Now go back. There will be lines, anyways then get your colors and color your wall. You can do the same for another place of your photo. And did you know when you use the selection layer it helps you not to make a mistake?

But if you want it to glow its easy!

Get the "airbrush 40" pen and slightly draw on your photo. This brush is very light so it won't harm the color. And you can use that brush even for your background!

I hope you understand.
It's okay if you want a normal drawing.
Your free to do anything! In the end, it might look like this.

Practice drawing very well! I know you can do it.

How to make an amazing drawing


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